Tier 学生签证可以续签吗?如果可以续签那么是何时开始计算有效期限制内的时间了呢?
根据我的了解, Tier 4 学生 visa can be renewed if you are studying full-time at an institution that has been accredited by the UK government or other recognized education authorities. The time period for which your student visa will be valid starts from the date of your first registration with the institution.
Tier 4 student visa can be renewed if you are studying full-time at a UK institution of higher education or a work-related course for up to ninety months. The start date for the clock on your visa will depend on when you arrived in the UK.
根据您所提到的情况, Tier 4 student visa是可以续签的。在您的 Tier 4 student visa到期前1个月内提交续签申请即可获得新 Tier 4 student visa;但需要注意的是,如果您需要延长停留期限(例如工作),则需向英国移民局提出新的 Tier 2 general 或 Tier 5 culture religion or charity work 类别的工作许可申请以满足所需条件才能继续在英国合法居留和从事相关职业活动.
Tier 4 student visa can be renewed as long as you are still studying full-time at the same institution or university where your student visa was granted. The new visa will start from when its issued onwards.
Tier 4的学生签证可以在你离开英国之前一年内申请延期。在你的签证到期后的前3个月,你可以在线或通过邮寄方式提交延长期限的请求并支付费用(目前为920英镑)来获得一个6个月的临时签证。这个临时签证会在你离开英国时生效并且允许你在任何时候返回英国进行学习活动和访问其他欧盟国家的权利。
根据我的了解, Tier 4 学生签证 可以在到期前90天内进行续签。所以在你的签证到期后的第18个月之后(也就是第2年)你可以申请再次获得该类型的签证并继续学习。但是需要注意的是:你必须证明你在英国有充分的理由来留在那里并在合法的工作场所工作才能够通过审核和被批准。
Tier 4 student visa can be renewed if you are studying full-time at an established higher education institution in the UK.
Tier 4(或称:工作许可证)的学生签证可以在延长期限内被申请,但必须在原签证到期前至少1个月。因此,您需要确保您的签证仍在有效期内并满足所有其他要求才能继续使用它。
当然了, Tier 4(学生)签证是可以续签的。