他们有哪些类型的 scholarships 和奖学金?

他们有哪些类型的 scholarships 和奖学金?

谌文君 的确,绝代公子虽英年早逝,却独领清词三百年。我相信纳兰性德的才情覆盖了他的人生经历,同时也相信有人说的,读他的词读冷了窗外的纷飞暮雨,读瘦了风雪中的一枝寒梅。

** scholarships and grants**

  • Academic scholarships: Offered by colleges and universities based on academic merit, test scores, and extracurricular involvement.
  • Need-based scholarships: Awarded to students who demonstrate financial need.
  • Merit-based scholarships: Offered to students with exceptional academic records.
  • Athletic scholarships: Awarded to student-athletes who demonstrate exceptional athletic ability.
  • International scholarships: Offered to students from countries other than the United States.
  • Fellowships: Awards that provide financial support and other benefits to students pursuing specific careers.
  • Scholarships for specific interests: Offered by organizations and foundations in various fields, such as the arts, sciences, and environment.


  • Community grants: Awarded by local governments and community organizations to support a variety of community needs, such as education and the environment.
  • Federal grants: Awarded by the federal government to support research, education, and other public programs.
  • Private grants: Awarded by foundations, corporations, and individuals to support specific causes or initiatives.

Other financial aid options

  • Work-study: Students can earn money while they attend college by working on campus or in the community.
  • Loans: Students can borrow money from banks, credit unions, and other lenders to cover their tuition and living expenses.
  • Grants: Students can apply for grants from organizations and foundations that offer financial assistance.